
Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Parenthesis Stack:

Consider a mathematical expression that includes several sets of nested parenthesis.
7 – ((x * (( x + y) / (j - 3)) + Y) / (4 – 2))
In expression we want to check
  1. There are an equal number of right and left parenthesis.
  2.  Every right parenthesis is preceded by a matching left parenthesis.
Expressions like ((A+B) or A+B( violates condition 1 and expressions like )A + B(-C violate condition 2.
Nested Depth: is the number of scopes that have been opened and not yet closed.
Parenthesis count: no of left parenthesis – no of right parenthesis.

Expression id valid if following conditions are met.
  •  Parenthesis count at end should be zero.
  •  Parenthesis count at each point in expression should be non negative.
              7 – ( ( x *  ( (  x + y )  / ( j -  3  )  ) + Y )  / ( 4 – 2.5 ) )
              0 0 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 2 2  2 1 1 2 2 2  2 1 0
               ( ( A + B ) and (A + B] is illegal
         1  2 2 2 2 1

Algorithm for Example:

valid = true
s = empty stack;
while (we have not read the entire string) {
     read the next symbol (symb) in the string;
     if (symb == ‘(’ || symb == ‘{’ || symb == ‘[’ )
   if (symb == ‘)’ || symb == ‘}’ || symb == ‘]’ )
         if (empty(s))
            valid = false;
               i = s.pop();
               if (i is not the matching opener of symb)
                 valid = false }
}// end of while
if (!s.empty()) valid = false;
if (valid)
   cout << “String is valid”;
else cout << “String is not valid”;

Dry Run for parenthesis stack:


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